Charity Links

Charity Tip Book
Animal Charities
Animal Charities Serve to Protect and Defend the Vulnerable
Modern Animal Shelters are Privately Run
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is America's Oldest Humane Society
The American Humane Society Prevents the Cruelty of Animals, as well as Children
If you Choose to Adopt a Pet, Make an Informed and Thoughtful Decision
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Protects Endangered Species and Their Habitats
Charity as Emotion: An Inclination of Kindness Toward Others
Charity as action: The Kindness one Shows to Others
Charity as Destination: An Organization Through Which you can Help Others
The Charitable Giving Market and Guidelines in Canada are Significantly Different Than in the United States
UK Charitable Organizations
US Charitable Organizations
Reasons to donate: More Than the Satisfaction That Comes from a job well done
Determine the Causes That Mean the Most to You
Breast Cancer Charities: the Cause
Breast Cancer Charities: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Breast Cancer Charities: National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
The American Cancer Society
AIDS/HIV Prevention Charities
The Salvation Army Pursues an International Mission
The Family Care Foundation (FCF) Uses Community-Based Initiatives to Advance its Humanitarian Services Worldwide
Goodwill Industries Focuses on Improving Lives Through Work
The Service Foundation of the Military Order of the Purple Heart
Charity Fund Raising
Fundraising is One of the Primary Activities of Most Nonprofit Organizations
Charity Fundraising: Annual Campaigns
Charity Fundraising: Capital Campaigns
Charity Fundraising: Endowment Campaigns
Fundraising: Charity Events
Charity Wristbands: Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve, But Buy Direct
Charity Fundraising
Considering a Career in Charity Work?
Taking the Reins: Transforming Philanthropy into a Family Affair
Endowing the Future
Charities in Check: You Decide
Establishing Your Charity's Grant Writing Program
Expanding Your Reach and Reputation: Corporate Social Responsibility
Charity Ratings
Checking it Out: Charity Ratings and the Big Picture
Authentic Assets: Trusting the Best of Charity Evaluation
Regulating Giving
Generally Speaking: On the State Side
Donor Driven: Doing Individual Due Diligence
Rating Charitable Organizations and Donor Priorities
Checking it Out: Charity Ratings and the Big Picture
Authentic Assets: Trusting the Best of Charity Evaluation
Regulating Giving
Generally Speaking: On the State Side
Donor Driven: Doing Individual Due Diligence
Rating Charitable Organizations and Donor Priorities
Consult Charity Ratings to Judge and Compare Charities
You have the Right to Information
Charity Navigator
Children's Charities
Children's Charities Abound: Think About How you Want to Help, and Pick Your Cause
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America
Christian Children's Fund provides international relief for children and their families.
The Children's Hunger Relief Fund (CHRF)
Digital Divide
Bridging the Digital Divide
Digital Divide
Closing the Digital Divide
The Digital Divide Affects Nonprofit Organizations
Support Computer Literacy Education
Don't Be Modest!
Disaster Relief
Emergency and Disaster Operations
Disaster Prevention and Relief
In Nonprofitorganizations are the Backbone of Disaster Relief Efforts
Focusing on Rescue and Mitigating Damage
Disaster Relief Services
Disasters and Emergencies Occur Everywhere!
Th Government Isn't Behind Everything!
Direct Relief International
Red Cross Disaster Relief
The Volunteers of America
Local religious organizations are at the forefront of disaster relief.
Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts
Big Gifts Don't Have to be Capital Gifts, and Vice Versa
Ways to Give: Donor Advised Funds
Ways to Give: Supporting Organizations
Ways to Give: Cash
Ways to Give: Securities
Ways to Give: Tangible Personal Property
Ways to Give: Time and Talent
Give Part of Yourself - Literally!
Donating Blood and Platelets
Become an Organ Donor
Donate Your Ponytail!
Cell Phone Donation
Help Bridge the Digital Divide
Computer Donation: Use a Refurbisher to Donate Middle-Aged Computers
Computer Donation: Recycle Old and Broken PC Equipment
Computer Donation: Contact the Refurbisher or Recycler
Computer Donation: Remember the Accessories
Computer Donation
Computer Donation: Provide Original Disks and Documentation
Computer Donation: Use Disk Cleaning Software
Computer Donation: Keep Records!
Computer Donation: Plan Ahead
Environmental Charities
Environmental Charities
The Conservation Fund and the Conservation International Foundation
The Cousteau Society
The Sierra Club
The Trust for Public Land
The Clean Air Council
Homeless Charities
Homeless Charities
The National Coalition for the Homeless
Hunger and Homelessness
Enterprise Foundation
Support the Fight Against Homelessness
Help Build or Fix up Houses or Shelters.
Offer Professional Skills Directly or Assist in Job tTaining
Take an Interest in the People
International Relief Organizations
The UN's World Food Program
The International Rescue Committee
The Family Care Foundation
Nonprofit Organizations
Nonprofit Organizations
Plan Your Giving Strategy
A Gift Today and a Bequest
Save Income and Estate Taxes
Estate Planning and Planned Giving
Corporate Philanthropy: How to Give
Corporate Philanthropy: Tax Benefits
Corporate Philanthropy
Donation Due Diligence
Use Due Diligence Before Donating
Do not be Misled by a Familiar Name
Ignore your Heart, Sometimes
Let Your Fingers do the Walking
Donation Due Diligence: Get Advice
Donation Due Diligence: The Money Comes Last
Donation Due Diligence: Get Receipts
Give Material Support or Your Time to Charity
Play the Numbers Game
Try Your Charities on for Size
Include Your Children
Philanthropy: A Definition
Smart Giving: Plan Ahead! Include Donations into Your Budget
Smart Giving: Get the Scoop!
Smart Giving: Keep Track
Smart Giving: Know the Facts on Tax
Smart Giving: Make Your Gift go Further Through Matching Programs
Smart Giving: You Don't Have to Shout it out Loud
Smart Giving: Shape-Shift Your Gifts
Smart Giving: Pool Your Resources
Smart Giving: Remember That Giving is a Choice
Smart Giving: Don't Wait to be Asked
Smart Giving: Time Your Gift to Best Tax Advantage
Smart Giving: Designate How You Would Like Your Gift to be Used
Smart Giving: Avoid Sending Cash
Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse
Substance Drug and Alcohol Dependence Prevention and Treatment Programs
Services Regarding Substance Abuse
Join Together Supports Community-Based Efforts to Reduce, Prevent, and Treat Substance Abuse
Organizations Helping People with Addictions Need Your Support
Volunteers and Missionaries
Find the Right Volunteer Opportunity
Become an Online Volunteer
Online Volunteers do not and Cannot Replace In-Person Volunteers
Find Online Volunteer Opportunities
Become an IT Volunteer
Online Tools
Be a Good Volunteer
Take Charge
Give the Gift of Your Time
Charity Newsletter Archive
Charity as action: The Kindness one Shows to Others
Charity as Destination: An Organization Through Which you can Help Others
Nonprofit Organizations
The Family Care Foundation
AIDS/HIV Prevention Charities
Bridging the Digital Divide
Support Computer Literacy Education
Services Regarding Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse
Disaster Relief Services
In Nonprofitorganizations are the Backbone of Disaster Relief Efforts
The UN's World Food Program
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America
Children's Charities Abound: Think About How you Want to Help, and Pick Your Cause
Homeless Charities
Become an IT Volunteer
Become an Online Volunteer
Find the Right Volunteer Opportunity
Give the Gift of Your Time
Environmental Charities
The Clean Air Council
The Sierra Club
Cell Phone Donation
Donate Your Ponytail!
Fundraising: Charity Events
Hunger and Homelessness
Support the Fight Against Homelessness
If you Choose to Adopt a Pet, Make an Informed and Thoughtful Decision
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is America's Oldest Humane Society
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Protects Endangered Species and Their Habitats
Ways to Give: Securities
A Gift Today and a Bequest
Plan Your Giving Strategy
Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts
Rating Charitable Organizations and Donor Priorities
Donor Driven: Doing Individual Due Diligence
Generally Speaking: On the State Side
Regulating Giving
Authentic Assets: Trusting the Best of Charity Evaluation
Checking it Out: Charity Ratings and the Big Picture
Rating Charitable Organizations and Donor Priorities
Donor Driven: Doing Individual Due Diligence
Checking it Out: Charity Ratings and the Big Picture
Establishing Your Charity's Grant Writing Program
Charities in Check: You Decide
Endowing the Future
Taking the Reins: Transforming Philanthropy into a Family Affair
Animal Charities Serve to Protect and Defend the Vulnerable
Modern Animal Shelters are Privately Run
The American Humane Society Prevents the Cruelty of Animals, as well as Children
Charity as Emotion: An Inclination of Kindness Toward Others
Determine the Causes That Mean the Most to You
UK Charitable Organizations
US Charitable Organizations
Breast Cancer Charities: National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Breast Cancer Charities: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Breast Cancer Charities: the Cause
The American Cancer Society
Goodwill Industries Focuses on Improving Lives Through Work
The Salvation Army Pursues an International Mission
The Service Foundation of the Military Order of the Purple Heart
Charity Fundraising: Annual Campaigns
Charity Fundraising: Capital Campaigns
Charity Fundraising: Endowment Campaigns
Consult Charity Ratings to Judge and Compare Charities
You have the Right to Information
Christian Children's Fund provides international relief for children and their families.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
The Children's Hunger Relief Fund (CHRF)
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Closing the Digital Divide
Digital Divide
The Digital Divide Affects Nonprofit Organizations
Don't Be Modest!
Disaster Prevention and Relief
Th Government Isn't Behind Everything!
Emergency and Disaster Operations
Focusing on Rescue and Mitigating Damage
Direct Relief International
Local religious organizations are at the forefront of disaster relief.
Red Cross Disaster Relief
The Volunteers of America
Become an Organ Donor
Donating Blood and Platelets
Give Part of Yourself - Literally!
Ways to Give: Donor Advised Funds
Ways to Give: Supporting Organizations
Ways to Give: Tangible Personal Property
Ways to Give: Time and Talent
Computer Donation: Contact the Refurbisher or Recycler
Computer Donation: Keep Records!
Computer Donation
Computer Donation: Plan Ahead
Computer Donation: Provide Original Disks and Documentation
Computer Donation: Recycle Old and Broken PC Equipment
Computer Donation: Remember the Accessories
Computer Donation: Use a Refurbisher to Donate Middle-Aged Computers
Computer Donation: Use Disk Cleaning Software
Help Bridge the Digital Divide
The Conservation Fund and the Conservation International Foundation
The Cousteau Society
The Trust for Public Land
Enterprise Foundation
Help Build or Fix up Houses or Shelters.
Offer Professional Skills Directly or Assist in Job tTaining
Take an Interest in the People
The National Coalition for the Homeless
The International Rescue Committee
Estate Planning and Planned Giving
Save Income and Estate Taxes
Corporate Philanthropy
Corporate Philanthropy: How to Give
Corporate Philanthropy: Tax Benefits
Do not be Misled by a Familiar Name
Donation Due Diligence
Donation Due Diligence: Get Advice
Donation Due Diligence: Get Receipts
Donation Due Diligence: The Money Comes Last
Ignore your Heart, Sometimes
Use Due Diligence Before Donating
Let Your Fingers do the Walking
Give Material Support or Your Time to Charity
Include Your Children
Philanthropy: A Definition
Play the Numbers Game
Try Your Charities on for Size
Smart Giving: Don't Wait to be Asked
Smart Giving: Get the Scoop!
Smart Giving: You Don't Have to Shout it out Loud
Smart Giving: Avoid Sending Cash
Smart Giving: Designate How You Would Like Your Gift to be Used
Smart Giving: Keep Track
Smart Giving: Know the Facts on Tax
Smart Giving: Plan Ahead! Include Donations into Your Budget
Smart Giving: Pool Your Resources
Smart Giving: Remember That Giving is a Choice
Smart Giving: Shape-Shift Your Gifts
Smart Giving: Time Your Gift to Best Tax Advantage
Join Together Supports Community-Based Efforts to Reduce, Prevent, and Treat Substance Abuse
Organizations Helping People with Addictions Need Your Support
Find Online Volunteer Opportunities
Online Volunteers do not and Cannot Replace In-Person Volunteers
Online Tools
Be a Good Volunteer
Take Charge
Reasons to donate: More Than the Satisfaction That Comes from a job well done
Charity Wristbands: Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve, But Buy Direct
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Disasters and Emergencies Occur Everywhere!
Substance Drug and Alcohol Dependence Prevention and Treatment Programs
Ways to Give: Cash
Fundraising is One of the Primary Activities of Most Nonprofit Organizations
Big Gifts Don't Have to be Capital Gifts, and Vice Versa
Charity as action: The Kindness one Shows to Others
Charity as Destination: An Organization Through Which you can Help Others
Nonprofit Organizations
The Family Care Foundation
AIDS/HIV Prevention Charities
Bridging the Digital Divide
Support Computer Literacy Education
Services Regarding Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse
Disaster Relief Services
In Nonprofitorganizations are the Backbone of Disaster Relief Efforts
The UN's World Food Program
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America
Children's Charities Abound: Think About How you Want to Help, and Pick Your Cause
The Family Care Foundation
Homeless Charities
Become an IT Volunteer
Become an Online Volunteer
Find the Right Volunteer Opportunity
Give the Gift of Your Time
Environmental Charities
The Clean Air Council
The Sierra Club
Cell Phone Donation
Donate Your Ponytail!
Fundraising: Charity Events
Hunger and Homelessness
Support the Fight Against Homelessness
If you Choose to Adopt a Pet, Make an Informed and Thoughtful Decision
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is America's Oldest Humane Society
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Protects Endangered Species and Their Habitats
Ways to Give: Securities
A Gift Today and a Bequest
Plan Your Giving Strategy
Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts
Charity Frequently Asked Questions
What services do animal charities provide?
What are modern animal shelters like?
What is the ASPCA's mission?
What services does the American Humane Society offer?
What should I consider before adopting or rescuing a pet?
What does the World Wildlife Fund do?
What are the dimensions of charity?
How does the charitable market differ by nation?
Why should I donate my money, time or goods?
How should I go about deciding which charities to support?
What do breast cancer charities do?
What are some high-profile breast cancer charities in the United States?
How can I support the fight against cancer?
How can I help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS?
What are some international service agencies I can support?
Why do nonprofit organizations have so many fundraising campaigns?
What do my donations to annual campaigns fund?
What is a capital campaign?
What is an endowment campaign?
What role do special events play in charities' fundraising activities?
Should I buy these new charity wristbands?
Are there objective bodies that report on charities' activities?
Do charities have to disclose their operating records?
Where can I find out more about how a charity operates?
How can I support children in the United States and around the world?
What are some organizations that provide services to children and families?
What is the digital divide?
Why does the digital divide matter?
Does the digital divide only affect people and the countries in which they live?
How can I help bridge the digital divide?
What is disaster relief?
Who participates in disaster relief and recovery efforts?
What are the phases of disaster relief and recovery?
What kind of disasters need relief?
What are the different ways to donate money to charitable organizations?
Do I have to give a large gift to make a difference?
Why should I donate blood?
Why should I become an organ donor?
How can I help sick kids?
Is my old cell phone something I can donate?
Can my old computer be used by schools or charitable organizations?
What is the best way to donate a computer?
What should I do when donating a computer?
What do environmental charities do?
What organizations promote conservation and environmental protection?
Are homeless charities meeting current needs or helping homeless people become self-sufficient?
What does the National Coalition for the Homeless focus on?
How does America's Second Harvest address hunger and homelessness in the United States?
How does the Enterprise Foundation support community development and fight homelessness?
How can I help combat homelessness?
What are some organizations that are involved in international relief programs and efforts?
What does the term "nonprofit organization" refer to?
How can I plan to support my favorite causes through a bequest?
What are the tax implications of making a bequest?
Where can I get more information about planned giving?
How can corporations contribute to charitable causes?
What are the tax benefits of corporate giving?
Why should companies donate to charity and community causes?
What should I look out for when deciding to which charities to give?
What can I give to charitable causes?
How can I get involved without spending a lot of money?
How to I get to know the organizations I am considering supporting?
How to I teach philanthropy to my children?
What is philanthropy?
What are some smart things to do as I plan my charitable giving?
What is substance abuse?
How can we help prevent and reduce substance abuse in our communities?
How do charitable organizations help people with dependency issues and their families?
What are some organizations that provide substance abuse prevention and treatment services?
How can I help people with substance abuse issues?
What are missionaries?
How do I find a volunteer opportunity?
Are there volunteer opportunities that are not "in person" opportunities?
What role can online volunteers play?
How can I find an online volunteer opportunity?
Can I volunteer my technology skills?
What do I need to do to be a good volunteer?
What skills could I offer an organization?
How can I help charitable causes if I don't have a lot of money to donate?

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Susan Sayour